Friday, July 18, 2008

The problem with computers.... that they go wrong!!!!

Yes, mine isn't working - again!!!!

Mark will tell me that it is because I expect too much from it and make it work too hard.

But all I was doing this time is a virus scan. Honest! I left it running while I went out and when I came back, it had rebooted. Very strange, as normally Norton leaves a report of the scan and doesn't reboot.

Since then, Norton hasn't worked and I keep getting the "Blue screen of death" every five minutes. It has taken me all week to back up my files when this keeps happening. At least I have been able to sew beads on while doing this and one of my new silks is finished.

So now I am on Marks. Fortunately, I can still blog and blop but I can't share any pics. So those waiting for the Baby Girl set are going to have to wait a little long. I have used the boy set I made on a LO of Benjamin. I promise to share loads of pics when I am able.

Its typical really, Mark is back in work and enjoying his new job so I have more time to do what I want to do again. Then the puter breaks so I don't have time to do any of it. And I have soooooooo much to do!

Also, I am really excited because I am going to be in Scrapbook Inspirations next month. I am not entirely sure what they are doing but it will be a news story with links to the free Rainbow pattern and to my site. Maybe, I can start earning some cash at last!


  1. That's the problem with 'pooters... they are fine until they get upset! Hope you get yours sorted soon, I want to see the weenie baby outfit on the LO!!

  2. Oh dear!

    When norton killed my computer, i managed to get it sorted with help from, might be worth a visit. (its free)

    My one big tip . . . Ditch norton!

  3. Poor you, I hate being without my computer. Mine usually lets me know when I've been on it too long by slowing almost to a stop. Hope you get it sorted soon x

  4. My poor laptop died earlier this year. love those teddies.
    Glad things are looking up for you and the family.




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